咬着一口口的苹果, 思绪开始倒退, 回到四天前....
看完这部戏后的感慨很多, 总觉得很惋惜, 一段热血的爱情就这样白白从手中流失......在学校的场景, 回想起和中学的一班朋友, 好怀念那段日子的人,事物,环境,地点......好想回到过去! (珍惜和活在当下是人永远都学不会的) 那段日子的我开心多了, 因为有你们, 家人 TT......该死的情绪又来了.....我真的真的真的好想回到过去, 抓住我再也得不到,找不回的日子.......
p/s: 这个学期的成绩恐怕......
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
one word .....AWESOMEEEEE.......(for me)
last friday i went bac to my hometown for the haji holidays (just 2 days *sob*) the next day, me n my family went to penang-straits quayyy! actually we r aiming for the hisago japanese reataurant which recommended by my mom's friend. And the purpose of going to this restaurant is to celebrate my sis's birthday in advanced which is on 11.11.11.(memorable date) The first impression of this building was it's a high class so-called shopping mall. It's facing the sea and the scenery is awesomee too.....(a good place for photoshoot and filming) Since it's quite new, there r just a few shoplots bt there is quite a number of restaurants and cafe. That day, i just went for the hisago japanese restaurant, four season bakery, and a dono-wat-name-cafe.....i like the japanese food served there and i ate some of the delicacies which i never had b4. And the four season bakery offers freshly baked breads and a wide variety of other delicious cakes and pastries. Just by looking at the breads there u'll know the qualities are guaranteed. = ) For the cafe, what had actually attracted me is their big huge couch =0
p/s: i'll definitely go there again, for sure! = )
just a little bit of sharing (i'm nt gud at capturing) :
oh ya! there is a beautiful light house.....
the sceneryyy
hisago restaurant
four season bakery
can u imagine hw big is the couch?
(i spent a lot of time to upload those photo....wonder why they load so slowwwwwww)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
outing =)
今天和housemates去了timesquare =)
最开心的是我们五个终于有机会'合体'一起去逛街~ 我们误打误撞地到了目的地...yeahhh!
今天的收获还好只买到牛仔裤...credits to sarahhh ^^ 午餐我们就在kim gary解决,我叫的spagetti的酱其实味道还好只不过它的鱼还蛮好吃的....还有还有我吃了我最爱的auntie anne's 咬下去时还真有幸福的感觉....太好吃了!!!另外还吃了杯好贵的ice cream-gelato fruity ><
yummyy~ |
gelato fruityy..^^ |
个人认为最值得纪念的是今天终于用完我国的交通工具啦...(LRT, KTM, taxi, monorel) 不懂为什么就是有种莫明的开心 ^^ 我们回的时候刚好是人潮拥挤的时候, 所以搭monorel 的时候终于尝试到所谓的沙丁鱼.....整个挤到不行,还有警察在那边维持秩序....ahhh....好累了...就在此搁笔吧...晚安^^
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
midterm exam 终于考过了...^^
松了一口气, 但这次的表现不好, 只求成绩不要太'难堪'....
都怪自己没心, 没尽力, 没准备好......
会吸取这次的教训 ; 不再执着,试着放开..^^
刚刚和housemate看了一部戏....不错看, 超好笑的...哈哈哈哈....
这个星期五要回家了....yeahhhhhh~ 但才三天不过没关系好过没得回...=)
要回家前必须要过presentation这关, 希望一切顺利...^^
p/s: 真的要努力了~不要再让琐事打扰你的思绪了.....
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